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Hone your sense of vocation and leadership skills with one-on-one coaching with a Professional Certified Coach.




It used to be a common practice that, when a subcommittee recommended a candidate (Member in Discernment) to the larger committee, they would almost automatically get passed on for their Ecclesiastical Council.  Now, there is a trend toward more scrutiny.  Without always giving a hard "yes," comes the "yes, but."  With the but comes the challenge of assigning criteria for the candidate to meet.  This is where coaching comes in.  Coaching allows us to honor the call and gifts that God has put on the life of the candidate while giving space for growth and development.  It avoids saying the candidate isn't "good enough" while inviting him/her into a time of self-examination. The Committee on Ministry can set certain criteria for the candidate to meet as they are coached to those criteria.  Then, after a certain period, the coach makes a recommendation to the Committee on Ministry as to whether the candidate has met the criteria (namely, a willingness toward growth and self-reflection) or not.  All coaching is done remotely. 




Much of ministry is done reactively and leads to burnout.  Having regularly scheduled retreats for clergy to get re-centered goes a long way toward avoiding such burnout and reversing it where it is already present.  These retreats include group coaching, contemplative practices, practical tools for avoiding burnout, leadership training, and time for silence as the clergy person gets reset and renews their sense of vocation.




Sadly, there is no shortage of conflict within congregations.  The work of responding to such conflict is often more than judicatory ministers can handle alone.  This training will equip lay leaders from Committees on Ministry or other bodies to assess and mitigate conflict using the tools of conflict transformation, appreciative inquiry, systems theory, conflict de-escalation, and more.




In cases where conflict is too complex, GCPF can enter the congregation and do the meaningful work of conflict transformation to create a healthy system where conflict becomes a healthy tool for sustainable change.




Congregations and judicatory bodies have been known to be purely reactive.  What would it look like to take a proactive approach and prevent some of the ecclesial headaches that we encounter before they arise?  One way that we can do this is by having regularly scheduled training for clergy and congregational leaders on the basics of conflict and how it arises.  This would be a compendium of the learnings of the Healthy Conflict Workshop and some of the Conflict Training to provide the needed tools to prevent unhealthy conflict before it happens.




Even the good things need to be grieved.  Every transition requires a healthy time of grieving and most of our clergy are not given a space in which to do so whether they be retiring, changing calls, or even mourning conflict or a loved one.  This semi-annual event can be structured as a workshop or as a retreat to give the tools, encouragement, and sacred space for healthy goodbyes.

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© 2019 by Generations Care Partners Foundation

Generations Care Partners Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation and does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
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